

One of the most popular aesthetic operations today is nose correction surgery. Despite successful operations, the fact that the results depend on personal preferences distinguishes these surgeries from others. For this reason, rhinoplasty surgeries should be performed with individual design and planning instead of a standard technique.

It can be said that nose surgeries are generally performed for two reasons:

The first is those made entirely due to aesthetic concerns. You should establish a clear and open communication with the physician and determine your wishes well.

The latter is done to correct congenital anomalies, breathing problems or damage caused by blows and accidents.

Societies and races have different beauty standards according to their characteristic facial structures. However, the most accepted and admired angle in society today is the angle between 90 and 95 degrees between the lips and nose. In fact, there is no such thing as a perfect nose, the important thing is that the nose adapts to the face.

How is Nose Aesthetics Performed?

Rhinoplasty operation is performed under general anaesthesia. Only nose tip surgeries can be performed under local anaesthesia. Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed with open or closed techniques. In the open technique, the surgery is performed with an inverted V-shaped incision through the protrusion between the nostrils. In the closed technique, it is an operation performed by entering through the nostrils. If the patient has no deformity at the tip of the nose and only a slight protrusion of the nasal bone, the closed technique may be preferred. Open technique may be more suitable for nasal tip correction, revision surgeries, traumatic and broken nose operations.

Who is Suitable for Rhinoplasty? 

Rhinoplasty should be performed after adolescence, as it requires the nose to complete its full physical development and the patient to reach a certain spiritual maturity. Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed safely after the age of 16 in women and 18 in men. Every season of the year is suitable for rhinoplasty surgery.

Are There Any Scars After Rhinoplasty? 

Rhinoplasty and facial aesthetics are performed with two basic techniques, open and closed. In the closed method, there is no suture scar unless the nasal tip is narrowed. The sutures used in nasal tip narrowing are usually placed in the area where the nose and cheeks meet, so the existing scars are not visible. In open surgeries, the sutures are located in the area between the nostrils. Surgical incisions and sutures made at the points where the nose meets the face ensure that the scars are not visible. The only reason for any suture scarring in such operations may be that the surgical incisions are made in the wrong place or in the wrong way.

How is the Duration of Rhinoplasty Surgery Determined?

The duration of rhinoplasty surgery varies according to the complexity and intensity of the change desired by the patient. Revision surgeries, especially to correct severe deformities, can take about 7-8 hours, while 1.5 - 2 hours may be sufficient for smaller corrections. On average, a rhinoplasty surgery takes about 3 hours.

What are the Expected Results Immediately After Rhinoplasty Operation?

In the first postoperative period, the patient may experience some bruising and swelling. The healing time of these swellings may vary from person to person. Medications given during the operation and ice compresses applied during the first 24 hours after surgery help reduce swelling and bruising. There is a risk of oedema formation after rhinoplasty surgery for the first two days. To reduce this risk, patients are recommended to sleep in a slightly more upright position. It is also recommended to avoid direct sunlight for at least 3 months and to avoid sports activities that pose a risk.

After Rhinoplasty Surgery, When Is The Shape Of The Nose Fully Obvious?

After rhinoplasty surgery, the swelling completely disappears and the desired final shape of the nose can vary between 6 months and 1 year depending on the patient's nasal structure. In people with thin nasal skin, the recovery period may be shorter as postoperative swelling is more likely to be less. In people with thick nasal skin, it may take longer for the swelling to completely disappear, usually 1-1.5 years.

What are the Long-Term Results of Rhinoplasty Operation?

The results of rhinoplasty surgery usually start to become evident at the end of the first 3 months, but it may usually take 1 year to evaluate the full effects of the operation.

Are Photography and Analysis Necessary for Rhinoplasty?

A critical stage of rhinoplasty surgery is the preoperative digital photography and analysis process. This stage is extremely important for the success of the surgery. This process, in which each patient is photographed from different angles before surgery, is used with computer programmes to show the patient how the nose will be changed.

Are There Non-Surgical Options for Rhinoplasty?

Non-surgical solutions are available as an alternative to rhinoplasty surgery. However, surgery is usually required to achieve permanent results. Non-surgical rhinoplasty applications are available for people who do not prefer surgery, but these usually provide temporary results. You can click to get more information about Piezo Rhinoplasty, a new method.

What Should Be Done During Preparation for Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Patients who smoke before the operation should stop smoking at least two weeks before the operation. Smoking during the healing process after the operation may adversely affect the healing of the tissue, so smoking should be avoided for about a month. In addition, aspirin and similar painkillers should not be used at least 2 weeks before the operation. If painkillers are required, a doctor should be consulted.

It will be appropriate to perform the operation after recovery from colds, flu and other febrile diseases.